Payments, Earning and Payout

Does the website accept payment in any way?
No, We don’t accept any payment from users as of now, and if someone pretends to be us and asks for payment, we are not liable for it.
Do you sell anything on the website?
No, We don’t sell anything on the website, neither we ask you to pay for sponsorship of your post.
How can I start earning?
You can start earning from today itself, just show your skills and get paid. You can create an account, and start writing, our team will review your writing and will publish to the platform if all is well, and then based on the views on your post, you’ll get the amount in your account.
How can I withdraw payment?
You can withdraw your earning by two ways
  1. Using your bank account: You can enter your bank account details, to get your earning directly from your bank.
  2. Using UPI ID
How can I add my bank account details?
You can add your bank details by going to the profile page, in Withdrawal(Payout) Methods by clicking on Add New Method button. You can add your bank details or UPI id.
How can I activate/deactivate any withdrawal method?
In the list of your withdrawal methods, you can deactivate/activate by clicking on the status of the method.
How does the payout process work?
We use Razorpay as our payment partner, and all the payments are processed using Razorpay’s feature called as RazorpayX.
How does the earning get calculated?
We use a straightforward way to calculate the earning, your earning depends on the number of views you get on all the posts you posted.
Where can I see the details about my earnings?
You can see the details about your earnings from Earning Page, you can see the total amount you earn by a post and how much from one post is being withdrawn already.
Where I can see all my transactions?
You can see all your transactions in the Transactions section of the portal.